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eForms - Return to Initiator Button


eForm - Return to Initiator Button.

What we’re doing:

Added a pre-defined button for eForms usage, which will allow a form to be returned back to the initiator for revision.

Why we think you’ll like it:

Data integrity: When the initiator of the form revises their own entry, it is less likely to be questioned than if an authorizer edits the entry on their behalf.

Processing time: Previously, a form might be rejected if incorrectly completed. This would require the initiator to completely restart their entry. By using the return to initiator button, their entry is saved and they only have to update the required changes.

Learn more:

When the button is clicked, the authorizer will be prompted to enter a reason for the return. This text is visible by the initiator.

For any eForm type the Return to Initiator button is used, the initiator will receive an email, even for Invoice Entry Web, (see profile options below) to advise them of the form being returned. The initial section will be returned to the initiator to the applicable unsubmitted forms location following the table below:

Form Type

Location of Returned Task


Invoice Entry

My Unsubmitted Invoices

Finance > Data Entry > Invoice Entry

Staffing Requisition

Unsubmitted Location Forms

HR > Manage Staff > Staffing Requisition > Location eForms

All other Forms

My Unsubmitted Forms

My Info > Documents & eForms > eForms > eForms List

The new button is available upon request through our support team.

There are profiles that should also be reviewed during this request related to the email that goes to the initiator:

  • Email Processing tab: Customized text for ‘Click {here} to reply to this email’. The {here} brings the user to the Atrieve Email Inbox, allowing for auditing of back-and-forth messages related to the text instead of taking the conversation to an external system.

  • Email Processing tab: Hide e-mail message in notification e-mail (Y/N). Setting this to N will ensure the authorizer’s return message is printed in the email and provides a link back to task. Setting this to Y will hide the authorizer’s return message and it will not include the link back to the task.

  • My Forms tab: Customized rejection email subject (this affects location-based forms like Invoice Entry and Staffing Requisition, not just employee forms)

The Unsubmitted Forms report used by My Forms and Unsubmitted Location Forms used by Location Forms should be updated to include RW Task Status. This will allow the initiator to differentiate between forms returned to them and forms they previously saved.

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