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Report Writer to Batch


Enhanced Report Writer Functionality

What we’re doing:

Providing a new Report Writer user interface as well as enhanced scheduling functionality.

Why we think you’ll like it:

The updated Report Writer interface is both modern and intuitive, allowing for quick and easy report searches. Users can easily locate and execute desired reports, with added functionality to schedule reports to run at regular intervals. The new scheduling feature includes options to specify the frequency, start date and time, and end conditions (specific end date or after a certain number of occurrences). Additionally, a new table provides real-time processing status updates (Processing, Complete, Failed), and a notification system alerts users when reports are ready for viewing.

Learn more:

The new Report Writer can be run in parallel with the existing Report Writer for a period of time to allow for adoption and training of the new program. Menu Builder has been updated with several new menu items (one for each reporting context/environment). The new menu items have been appended with the text ‘(New)’, for example ‘Report Writer (New)’

For more information refer to the Report Writer New on-line Help documentation.

We are excited to announce the upcoming release of the Report Writer New - Running in Batch as part of our Spring Release 24.01.01! We understand that you are eagerly anticipating the launch of this exciting new feature, and we appreciate your enthusiasm.

To ensure a seamless experience for all our valued hosted customers, we are taking extra measures to guarantee that the introduction of this new Report Writer does not impact system performance.

In light of this, we have decided to implement a phased rollout of the batch service - Your district will be provided a notification when this feature will be available.

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