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Define Performance Bands

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Admin, then New Performance Band.
  2. Enter the Performance Band Title and Performance Band Description.
  3. The default setup for all performance bands includes four cuts:

    • Not Yet, ranging from 0 to 24.

    • Almost, ranging from 25 to 49.

    • Effective, ranging from 50 to 74.

    • Highly Effective, ranging from 75 to 100.

  4. Select Add Cut Band.

  5. To customize the performance bands:
    1. Enter the cut Title.
    2. Choose a color. Hover over a color to display the color hex code.
    3. Enter the Min, which is the smallest numerical value for this specific cut.
    4. Click Update.
    5. Optionally, click Remove to remove this cut from the Performance Band.
  6. Click Set as Organization Default to select this performance band as the default cut scores and colors for locally created assessments.
  7. Click Save.

Only Performance Matters Administrators can set organization defaults.

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