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Assessment Reporting and Item Analysis

Assessment Reporting within Courses provides immediate feedback on student and item performance for assessments and helps drive instructional decisions.

Once students submit their assessment, results are in near real-time. Instructors can navigate to the Reporting tab to review results.

Assessment Item Analysis

Course Assessment Item Analysis provides you with detailed insights into individual and overall assessment items as well as student performance.

After students complete the assessment, you can view the item analysis from the Reporting area, which provides quick insights into how individual students are performing on an assessment, including:

    • Overall student performances 
    • Average item performance
    • Categorization of High, Medium, and Low performing items
    • Student performance for each item of the assessments

    Student responses are included in reports for Multiple Choice and True/False question types. 

    You can also gain insights into the distribution of answers and analyze metrics per item such as average score and points. Data is reported in real-time from applicable grade settings for assessments that have multiple choice or true/false answers and displays the scores that count in the final grade. Any override scores submitted are also captured in the overall graphs in the Reporting area, but override scores are not currently captured in the View All Students details.

    You can analyze assessment items by student scores or by item performance. You can also filter the results by section.

    View Item Performance

    Open the assessment and click View Item Performance in the Reporting area.

    Assessment items are grouped by performance bands defined at the system level.

    Items that were included in the original assessment but were subsequently deleted appear with an alert symbol. Items added to an assessment after the initial creation will appear here once a student provides an answer to the item.

    Click on an item to view details. The details include:

    • Assessment question
    • Total points
    • Answer type
    • Learning objectives
    • Average score
    • Performance band
    • Distribution of answers
    • Points per student

    Click Export Report to run an item performance and student performance report. Click Transfer History from the notification message to access your report. Once your report has finished running, the status will say Completed. To download the report, click the gear icon, and select Download.

    View All Students

    Open the assessment and click View All Students in the Reporting area.

    When there are at least 5 submissions, the class average is displayed along with a box and whisker plot.

    When there are fewer than 5 submissions, each individual student’s grades are displayed as plot points on the graph. Click the plot point on the graph to show the student and the grade.

    What results are shown in Assessment Reporting within Courses?

    Instructors receive the following results:

    1. Class Average - An average of all scores.
    2. Class Median - The ‘middle’ score within the full range of scores.
    3. Class Mode - The most common score.
    4. Negative Outliers - Grades below the lowest quartile on the graph.
    5. Positive Outliers - Grades above the highest quartile on the graph.
    6. Last Updated - The time the last submission was added to the report.
    7. Students Overall Results - List of all student scores. 

    Instructors can sort the list of student results below the graph.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How are the grades calculated and plotted on the graph?

    The results of an assessment are populated on a box and whisker plot. A box and whisker plot (also called a box plot) displays the five-number summary of a set of data. The five-number summary represents the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum.  In a box plot, a box is drawn from the first quartile to the third quartile. A vertical line goes through the box at the median. The whiskers go from each quartile to the minimum or maximum.

    An outlier is a point in the graph that is significantly above or below the normal values. A box and whisker plot is determined by the range between the first and third quartiles, which are represented by the two points at the ends of the box. This value is called the interquartile range. A score is determined to be an outlier if it is 1.5 times the interquartile range above or below the first and third quartile.

    For example, if the box spans from a score of 66 to 78, the interquartile range is 12 points. That means that the outliers are any value 18 points (1.5 x 12) above 78 or below 66. Therefore, any score above 96 or below 48 is considered an outlier in this example.

    The whiskers are the lowest and highest values that are not outliers and are called the minimum and maximum.
    Note: This calculation method for each box and whisker plot cannot be customized.

    Can I view reporting on an ungraded assessment (an assessment worth 0 points)?

    Assessment reporting analyzes only the data entered by the student into the assessment. Setting the total points to 0 or, removing the grading category (ungraded), will have no impact on the report.

    What happens if I override the grade on an assessment?

    The Reporting tab displays results based on the submission made by the student. Therefore:

    • Overriding an individual question score will update assessment reporting.

    This option is not available for managed assessments (AMP) since instructors cannot override scores for automatically graded questions.

    • Overriding the assessment gradebook score will not update assessment reporting.

    What happens if I allow multiple submissions on an assessment? How do reports appear when the final grade is determined by the last score or highest score?

    Assessment reporting analyzes only the most recent data entered by the student into the assessment. The report will not be affected by settings for final grades (highest score/last score).

    Is this view supported on mobile apps or browsers?

    Assessment Reporting within Courses cannot be viewed in Schoology mobile apps however, you can view Assessment Reporting using a mobile browser.

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