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Course Materials: Assignment (Students)

Assignments are a graded material type. Each assignment may require you to make a submission. Once you've made a submission, the instructor can grade the assignment, provide feedback, and upload a file back to you.

To submit a file to an assignment from your browser:

  1. From within the assignment, click Submit Assignment.
  2. Use the Add a Comment area for questions and concerns (optional).
  3. Select one of these options:
    • Upload: Select a file from your computer.

      • Schoology supports the following file types: CSV, DOC, DOCX, DXF, EPS, GIF, HTM, HTML, JPEG, JPG, MP3, MP4, MOV, ODP, ODS, ODT, PDF, PNG, PPT, PPTX, PSD, RTF, SXW, TIFF, TXT, WAV, WMV, WPD, WPS, XLS, XLSB, XLSX, and XML. The Doc Viewer in assignments does not convert Apple Pages, Numbers, or Keynote files, but your teacher may download these submissions onto a computer.
      • While there is no limit to the number of files you can attach, you must upload each file individually. Schoology has a size limit of 512 MB per file.
    • Create: Create a document on the web using the text editor.
    • Resources: Select a file from your Resources.

  4. Click Submit to finish.

Submit an assignment from your browser.

View Submissions

View your submission from the Submissions pane:

If you need to make another submission, click Re-submit Assignment under your original submission.

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