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Using the Elementary Experience on the Android Mobile App - Students (Enterprise)

  • If you do not see the Elementary Experience in your course, reach out to your teacher with any questions.
  • To take advantage of all Schoology features, it is strongly recommended that users upgrade to the latest version of Android. Schoology only supports the latest 5 versions of Android. Whenever Google releases a new version of Android, Schoology will drop support for the oldest version it previously supported.
  • You will be prompted to allow access to the camera, microphone, and files on your device when you access any Elementary-themed course for the first time on the mobile app. You must enable these in order to submit an assignment. If you initially disable access, search for the Schoology app on your device settings and manually allow access. You will not be prompted to allow access again unless you uninstall the app.

Elementary Experience Course View

You can find all your elementary courses from the Courses area on the mobile app.

To get started, tap Courses from the main menu and tap the name of your choice to continue to that class.

Above: The Courses view from the navigation menu on a Galaxy Tab S7 (landscape view).

The Elementary Experience offers a more simplified version of your class. Once you enter, you will see all the course content your teacher has made available to you on the Materials screen.

Folders and materials are displayed as single cards on the screen. Instead of the traditional course menu navigation on the left and Upcoming items on the right, you will see the most important content all at once.

Your teacher can add Featured Images for each folder and material type to help you navigate through the course and identify different tasks for you to complete.

Above: Course view in the Elementary Experience on a Galaxy Tab S7 (landscape view). Folders and materials are displayed as cards for a more simplified view. Each item has a Featured Image displayed to the left.

Tap the back button

to return to the Courses menu.

Course Materials

The Materials area in your course lists all the assignments, assessments, tests/quizzes, files/links, discussions, and pages your teacher has made available to you.

Your teacher may organize the content differently in each of your classes, so the course materials might be listed as soon as you open your course or organized into folders.

Above: Course view in the Elementary Experience on a Galaxy Tab S7 (landscape view). Your teacher may organize all materials to display as soon as you open the course (see the material type icon to the right of each item).
Below: Course view in the Elementary Experience on a Galaxy Tab S7. Your teacher may organize the course content into folders (see the folder icon to the right of each folder).

To view any of the materials or folders just tap the name of the item. For example, tap a folder to view a list of all the materials inside:

Above: Folder view in the Elementary Experience on a Galaxy Tab S7 (landscape view). This view shows a folder containing a list of course materials.

When you open a material in the Elementary Experience, it is displayed in a full-screen view:

Above: Assignment view in the Elementary Experience on a Galaxy Tab S7 (landscape view).
Below: File view in the Elementary Experience on a Galaxy Tab S7 (landscape view).

Tap the back button

to return to the previous screen.


The Elementary Experience provides a new workflow for submitting your work to assignments. Once you've made a submission, your teacher can grade the assignment, provide feedback, and upload a file back to you.

When you open an assignment, the following submit options are displayed:

  • Photo
  • Record Video
  • Record Audio
  • Upload
  • Type

Above: Assignment view in the Elementary Experience on a Galaxy Tab S7 (landscape view).

Tap Start to see the full list of submit options:

Submit an Assignment

You can submit a photo, audio/video recording, file, or text to an assignment.

To submit an assignment, open the assignment and tap Start to see the full list of submit options.

Next, tap one of these options:

  • Photo
  1. Tap Take Photo on the next screen.
    If needed, tap See More to see the full description of the assignment.

    Take Photo view on a Pixel 4.
  2. Tap one of the following options:
    • Camera to open your device's camera.
    • Files to choose a photo file on your device to attach to the assignment.
  3. If you select Camera, choose the front or back camera and take a photo on your device. Use your device's camera controls to take the photo. You can preview the photo and opt to tap the back arrow to retake the photo or tap the checkmark to attach it to the assignment.
  4. If you wish to remove the photo and choose another, tap the trash can icon next to the file title and repeat the steps above.
  5. Tap I’m Done! when you're ready to submit.
  6. You will see a celebratory animation to confirm the photo has been submitted:

  • Record Video

  1. Tap Record Video on the next screen.
    If needed, tap See More to see the full description of the assignment.

    Record Video view on a Pixel 4.
  2. Tap one of the following options:
    • Camera Video to open your device's camera.
    • Files to choose a video file on your device to attach to the assignment.
  3. If you select Camera, choose the front or back camera and record your video. Use your device's camera controls to start and stop the recording. You can preview the video and opt to tap the back arrow to retake the video or tap the checkmark to attach it to the assignment.
  4. If you wish to remove the video and choose another, tap the trash can icon next to the file title and repeat the steps above.
  5. Tap I’m Done! when you’re ready to submit.
  6. You will see a celebratory animation to confirm the recording has been submitted:
  • Record Audio

  1. Tap Start on the next screen to record your audio.
    If needed, tap See More to see the full description of the assignment.

    Record Audio view on a Pixel 4.
  2. Tap Stop when complete.
  3. Tap the Play button to preview your recording.

    There is not an option to retake an audio recording.

  4. Tap I’m Done! when you’re ready to submit.
  5. You will see a celebratory animation to confirm your recording has been submitted:
  • Upload

  1. Tap Choose File on the next screen.
    If needed, tap See More to see the full description of the assignment.

    Upload view on a Galaxy Tab S7 (landscape view).
  2. To select a file from your device to attach to the assignment, tap one of the following options
    • Camera to open your device's camera and take a photo.
    • Camera Video to open your device's camera and record a video.
    • Files to choose a file from your device to attach to the assignment.
  3. If you select one of the Camera options, you may choose the front or back camera. Use your device's camera controls to take the photo or start and stop the recording. You can preview the photo/video and opt to tap the back arrow to retake the photo/video or tap the checkmark to attach it to the assignment.
  4. If you wish to remove the file and select another file, tap the trash icon next to the file title and upload another file:

    You may only upload one file to your submission.

  5. Tap I’m Done! when you’re ready to submit.
  6. You will see a celebratory animation to confirm the file has been submitted:
  • Type

  1. Enter your text on the next screen.

    Type view on a Galaxy Tab S7 (landscape view).
  2. Tap I’m Done! when you’re ready to submit.
  3. You will see a celebratory animation to confirm your submission has been sent:

View Submissions

Tap My Work to view your submission and grade:

Submission view on a Galaxy Tab S7 (landscape view).

View any comments your teacher has posted from Submission Activity on the right.

Resubmit an Assignment

If you need to make another submission, tap Assignment from the assignment screen and repeat the steps above to submit again.

Assignment view on a Galaxy Tab S7 (landscape view).

Tap the back button

to return to the previous screen.

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