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The best way to reuse a single piece of content with multiple items is to create the content as a resource. You can add resources to Performance Matters by uploading existing files or creating new files using an editor. These files are stored in a designated item bank.

Create or upload an item resource file

You can upload a resource file or create and format a text resource file.

Refer to Image Use for additional information about recommended image file types and sizes. When you create a Graphic Gap Match interaction, add images in PNG format. Follow the recommendations for adding images and media to resources.

  1. Choose Items from the main navigation menu, then choose New Resource.

  2. To create a text resource, choose Edit and enter your content in the text field. For help constructing and formatting your resource, refer to Text Editor Use and Copy and Paste from Word.

  3. If you are adding a file, choose Upload, then click Choose File and select the file.

  4. Define the resource properties.

    1. If you created a new resource file, enter a filename. This name cannot contain a period. Uploaded files retain their filename.

      Some interactions require you to name resources using all lowercase letters. As a best practice, always name your resources using lowercase letters.

    2. Choose the Item Source and Item Bank.

    3. Enter the resource Title using your district's naming conventions.

      Resource titles do not support the following characters.: ! " # $ % & ' * + , / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ ` { | } ~  ±

    4. Add Search Text and Attributes to increase the item's searchability.

  5. Click Upload Resource.

Create media resource - hosted by a service provider

You can create a media resource using a file hosted by a media service provider like Vimeo or YouTube. Use the service's embed code to build your media resource in these circumstances.

  1. Navigate to the video for which you want to create a resource.

  2. Locate the provided embed code. The process for each media service provider is different. (For example, to obtain the embed code from a YouTube video, click Share, then choose Embed.)

    You must use an embedded URL, not a shared URL. If you do not use an embedded URL to create the resource, errors can occur. Refer to instructions from the media provider to ensure you use an embedded URL.

    Ensure you have the rights to use the chosen video or that you follow copyright procedures stipulated by the owner of the video (such as providing video credits).

  3. Choose Items from the main navigation menu, then choose New Resource.

  4. Click From File System, then choose Edit.

  5. Enter introductory text for the video.

  6. Click Source in the text editor.

  7. Copy the embed code from Step 2 and paste it into the editing pane.

  8. Click Upload Resource.

Do not exit the Source display after you embed the code for your media. Enter the resource properties and click Upload Resource while in the Source display to prevent losing the embedded media.

Create media resource - hosted by the district

You can host media files without a media service provider. Source files can be hosted on a district web server, Google Drive, Dropbox, or a similar service. Ensure that the appropriate network security and permissions allow the source file to be shown in the resource.

The media is hosted as a file with a discoverable URL or address. Use this file address to create the appropriate embed code.

Files must be HTML5 compliant, requiring the MP4 file type for videos and MP3 for audio.

You must first create the embed code for the hosted file, then create a media resource that accesses the hosted file.

  1. Copy the URL for the source media file.

  2. Replace the src URL (bolded in the following table) with the URL for your media resource to create an audio or video embed code:

    For audio, create an embed code in this form:Audio: <audio controls="controls" src="" type="audio/mpeg"/>
    For video, create an embed code in this form:Video: <video controls="controls" src="" type="video/mp4"/>
  3. To create the media resource using your hosted file, follow the Create media resource - hosted by a service provider process from Step 2, but in Steps 5-6, paste the embed code you created in Step 2 of this process rather than a video embed code.

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